Frequently asked questions

What happens if I lose my keys or access card?

You will be given two identical keys when you rent a safe deposit box. If you lose one or both keys, you should inform the branch where your account is held immediately.

If you have lost both keys, you will need to make an appointment and be present when a locksmith drills open the lock to your box. When you book your appointment, prior payment will be required by you to us for the relevant costs, including but not limited to any monies outstanding for the rental fees for your safe deposit box. Further information about replacing lost keys

If you have lost one key for your box, you will need to make an appointment and bring with you the second key for the box. A member of staff, in your presence, will replace the lock, the cost of which you will be responsible for paying. Further information about replacing lost keys.

You will be issued with your own access card for your safe deposit box. If you lose your card you must immediately inform the branch where your account is held. An appointment will be required for a new card to be issued and a replacement card fee of £10.00 will be charged on the day. For security reasons, you cannot access your box without the appropriate card.

For your security and the security of all our customers, you must present valid original photographic identification in order for a replacement card to be issued or for any lock drill or change of lock to proceed (copies are not accepted).


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